Support Juan de Fuca Harmony with your donation

We now have a Donate button on the right side if you want to support the chorus.

As a mixed singing group, Juan de Fuca Harmony ‘s mission is to provide an opportunity for people to learn, enjoy, perform, and promote singing 4-part a cappella barbershop harmony. It is our goal to continue to provide a community service through performances of quartets, small groups, and the chorus.  

In order to achieve our goals, we need the support of the community to provide for essential operating expenses. Here’s just a sample of the expenses we face as an organization:

  • Music director’s fee
  • Sheet music purchases
  • Association and licensing fees
  • Facility rental fees
  • Printing and mailing fees
  • Tax Preparation and Filing
  • Music license fees
  • Advertising

These expenses add up to thousands of dollars every year. With your donations large and small, Juan de Fuca Harmony can continue to offer free, quality performances to the community for years to come.

To make a donation click on the Donate option above.

Juan de Fuca Harmony is a 501-C3 non-profit.   EIN 91-1217232